Friday, September 14, 2012

Another reflection

Riding to school today I saw a helicopter.  It was so surprising, I haven’t seen anything in the air besides birds and butterflies for 9 months.  It’s my day off, but we needed to plan a lesson for Monday and I already had 3 days off this week (another story). 
I worked with a 5th grader who is in a story telling competition in English, had lunch with the teachers, helped with the 5th grade class after lunch and rode home.  My ride home is past lots of rice fields and they still take my breath away they are so beautiful. 
As I was leaving for lunch, there were several, maybe 5, 5th graders who came up and said “Thank you teacher, see you again next time.”  At lunch time they drew a hop scotch on the sidewalk (I showed them how with sidewalk chalk in a gift box from friends at home) and slowly kids started to try it until there was a line and they were just going one after the other, laughing, hopping, falling, laughing. 
I didn’t want to leave to get my camera because I was enjoying them so much.  They weren’t doing it “right” and in typical Thai fashion could have cared less about rules, or taking turns, or anything but enjoying themselves. 
As I was leaving school 2 4th graders and I had an actual conversation.  They started with “Where you go?” which is how I’m asked in English all the time.  I corrected them and taught “Where are you going?”  I answered.  I realized that these 2 at least really want to speak English and they hang out around me.  I asked if they knew where I lived and they didn’t.  I think some extra tutoring would be fun with them.  They love singing in English.  But, the point is we had an exchange in English which they were not having 4 months ago.
On the way home my thought was – I don’t want to leave here, but I want to be home.

So, the process has been:
I want to be at home, but don’t want to go home.
I don’t want to be here, but I am not sure I want to go home.
I don’t want to leave here, but I want to be home.

It probably sounds like the same thing, but it’s not.  I am still torn about another 18 months in Thailand, but for today, I am happy and fulfilled.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joan! I'm a PCV in the Philippines and I am following your blog :) Remember, the 6th month is always one of the hard low points in the PC roller coaster! Granted the holidays aren't going to help any either but keep holding on to the positives like you are :) The lows can feel pretty dang LOW. I get it, I promise :) I think we all do
