Sunday, July 22, 2012



The 2 week training we are attending now in Suphonburi is called Reconnect.  We have all been at site for about 4 months and teachers have been working for about 3 months.  We are getting some co-teacher training with our second co-teacher, some language training and some time to compare experiences.
The city is one of the nicest I have seen, very clean, some interesting history, and big enough that farangs are not such an oddity.
Today we had a fair where village products were displayed.   Pictures are of various products.  They ranged from silly knitted covers for thumb drives to beautiful clothes, matts, weavings, lots of dried bananas.  My province harvests salt, which is not a very interesting product.  Some women do weave beautiful cloth, but I have not seen it for sale.  I spent some money on a t-shirt, thumb drive covers, a small change purse and I love the dried bananas.
           some beautiful Thai skirts
                Meow from Nongkhai, pillow covers and mats

              This group brought shoes, purses, food.  A bright, colorful display

                        a volunteer models several products at once.

                     Really pretty clothe used to make bags.

I went to a park last night with some volunteers and Thai co-teachers.  We went up a tower and could see most of the city at the top. They like to take silly pictures, the closest I can get to what they call it is, dting, dtong poses.  

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